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  • Victorious - Season 1

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Episode 01: Pilot Special Extended Version Episode 02: The Bird Scene Episode 03: Stage Fighting Episode 04: The Birthweek Song Episode 05: Jade Dumps Beck Episode 06: Tori the Zombie Episode 07: Robarazzi Episode 08: Survival of the Hottest Episode 09: Wi-Fi In The Sky Episode 10: Beck's Big Break Episode 11: The Great Ping Pong Scam Episode 12: Cat's New Boyfriend Episode 13: Freak the Freak Out Episode 14: Rex Dies Episode 15: The Diddly-Bops Episode 16:Wok Star Episode 17: The Wood Episode 18: A Film by Dale Squires Episode 19: Sleepover at Sikowitz's Episode 20: 7 Secrets Victoria Justice

Will Tori take advantage of the Hollywood Arts and bypass the pressure of been treated as a new face on campus?

Actors: Lolly Allen, Lolly Allen Marcus Emanuel Mitchell, Marcus Emanuel Mitchell Drew Baker, Drew Baker Victor of Aquitaine, Victor of Aquitaine 8 October 1968 Paula Van Oppen, Paula Van Oppen Perez Hilton, Perez Hilton 23 March 1978, Miami, Florida, USA Joe Marinelli, Joe Marinelli 21 January 1957 Efka Kvaraciejus, Efka Kvaraciejus Rachel McCord, Rachel McCord J.R. Jaus, J.R. Jaus Darryl Reeves, Darryl Reeves ...»

Genre: Drama,Comedy,Family

Director: Dan Schneider

Country: United States

Release: 2010

IMDb: 7.0


Duration: 30 min

Keywords: #Dan Schneider #Leon Thomas III #Matt Bennett #Victoria Justice #Victorious - Season 3

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Country: Genre: Play Now';

123movies - Click and watch Victorious - Season 1 Free and without registration. Watch the latest Episodes here (40)

CREATORS OF "Victorious - Season 1"

Dan Schneider 14 January 1966, Memphis, Tennessee, USA

123movies - Click and watch Victorious - Season 1 Free and without registration. Watch the latest Episodes here (42)

ACTORS OF "Victorious - Season 1"

Lolly Allen Marcus Emanuel Mitchell Drew Baker Victor of Aquitaine 8 October 1968 Paula Van Oppen Perez Hilton 23 March 1978, Miami, Florida, USA Joe Marinelli 21 January 1957 Efka Kvaraciejus Rachel McCord J.R. Jaus Darryl Reeves Daniella Monet 1 March 1989, West Hills, California, USA

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123movies - Click and watch Victorious - Season 1 Free and without registration. Watch the latest Episodes here (55)

HEROES OF "Victorious - Season 1"

Trina Vega Derrick Lane Mr. Kezner Robbie Shapiro Sinjin Cat Valentine Alyssa Vaughn Andre Harris Beck Oliver Andre's Grandmother Mrs. Lee

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GALLERY OF "Victorious - Season 1"

123movies - Click and watch Victorious - Season 1 Free and without registration. Watch the latest Episodes here (2024)


Where can I watch victorious Season 1 Episode 1? ›

Victorious Season 1 Episodes - Watch on Paramount+

What is the first episode of Victorious called? ›

VICTORiOUS - Season 1, Ep. 1 - Pilot - Full Episode | Nick. Pilot: After Tori fills in for her ailing sister in a big musical showcase, Tori is asked to enroll at an elite performing arts high school. But once there, Tori struggles to fit in to her new surroundings.

Where can I watch Victorious 2024 in NZ? ›

Right now you can watch Victorious on Netflix, Paramount Plus, and Paramount+ Amazon Channel.

What app has all the Victorious seasons? ›

Victorious, a children series starring Victoria Justice, Daniella Monet, and Leon Thomas is available to stream now. Watch it on Paramount Plus, The Roku Channel, Apple TV, Fandango at Home or Prime Video on your Roku device.

How old was Ariana Grande in Victorious? ›

Ariana Grande as Cat Valentine in 'Victorious'. ; Ariana Grande in 2023. Ariana Grande, originally from Boca Raton, Florida, starred in Victorious as the bubbly redhead with a high-pitched voice: Cat Valentine. She was 16 years old when season 1 premiered and quickly became a standout star.

Is Victorious rated PG-13? ›

Victorious can be classified as having a target audience of ages 10-13. This age group would typically be made up of children entering or already in middle school, so grades 5-8. Upon watching the show it is made clear that it is meant for those between the ages 10-13.

Why did Victorious go to jail? ›

S2 E6: After Tori's shoe malfunction, she is accused of assaulting the chancellor of Yerba. Sent straight to jail for her obvious crimes, there seems no way out, until some unexpected help arrives.

Who ends up with Tori in Victorious? ›

Who does Victoria end up with in 'Victorious'? Tori dated a number of guys during the show but didn't end up with anyone in particular towards the end. Beck and Jade ended up together. Cat and Robbie got together in Sam and Cat.

Who did Tori meet first in Victorious? ›

During her first day at Hollywood Arts, Tori gets lost and meets Robbie Shapiro, a shy boy who often speaks through his ventriloquist dummy, Rex.

When did Victorious end? ›

Victorious is an American sitcom that premiered on Nickelodeon on March 27, 2010, and aired until February 2, 2013.

Why is Victorious a 12 on Netflix? ›

Hi there, Season 2 of Victorious is rated 12 for uses of discriminatory language in the episode Helen Back Again. When we classify seasons, we rate the whole series on the basis of the highest classification.

Is Victorious still on? ›

Victorious (stylized as VICTORiOUS) is an American sitcom created by Dan Schneider that originally aired on Nickelodeon, debuting on March 27, 2010, and concluding on February 2, 2013 after four seasons.

How do I watch Victorious season 1? ›

Currently you are able to watch "Victorious - Season 1" streaming on Paramount Plus, Paramount Plus Apple TV Channel , Paramount+ Amazon Channel, Paramount+ Roku Premium Channel or buy it as download on Microsoft Store, Amazon Video, Google Play Movies, Fandango At Home, Apple TV.

Where can I find Victorious episodes? ›

Prime Video: Victorious - Season 1.

How many episodes are in Victorious season 1? ›

Season 1: 2010-2011. 20 episodes were produced for this season. Victoria Justice, Leon Thomas III , Matt Bennett and Elizabeth Gillies are present for all episodes. Ariana Grande is absent for 2 episodes.

Is all of Victorious on Netflix? ›

Friday, November 05, 2021

Nick News Brief: Netflix removed Victorious season three from the streaming platform's programming library in the U.S. on November 1. The first two seasons of Nickelodeon's hit comedy series are still available to watch on the streamer, with all episodes available to stream on Paramount+.

Why is there missing episodes of Victorious on Netflix? ›

Why doesn't Netflix have all episodes of Victorious? Only the third season of Victorious was taken off of Netflix. Netflix is different everywhere. Paramount gives a little taste of the show to Netflix viewers, but then if they want to see the entire show it, they move over to Paramount.

When was season 1 of Victorious? ›

March 27, 2010

What is Victorious on Disney Plus? ›

The series follows Tori Vega, a teenage girl who is accepted into Hollywood Arts, a fictional elite performing arts high school for talented teens.

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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.