Kingsport Times from Kingsport, Tennessee (2024)

Feb. 11, 1941 Kingsport Times Deaths Local News Page 3 Britain Admits 15 Vessels Sunk London Fifteen British, alded and neutral merchantmen totalling 57,263 tons, were sunk in the war at sea in the week ended Feb. 1, the admiralty reported today. The total compared with an average of 62,000 weekly since the beginning war. The January tons, weekly average was 34,000 tons and the December weekly average was 68,000 tons.

The losses for the Feb. 1 week were, totalling given 40,429 as 11 British three vessels allied tons, totalling 13,872 tons and 8 neutral merchantman of 2,962 tons. Death Notices James Vaughn Funeral services for James Vaughn, 71, who died Saturday morning in 8 Roanoke hospital, were held Sunday at 11 a. at McKinney chapel, with burial in the church cemetery. He is survived by six sons, Dama, Wright, Willie, Harrison, Grant and Lon.

Vaughn, all of Kingsport, on daughter, Amanda ner, Virginia; one brother; one sister, 23 grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Mr. Vaughn was a veteran of the Spanish-American war. He has been in ill health for more than two years. Death came as a result of pneumonia and complications.

Mrs. Louise B. Graham (From Times' State News Service) Dungannon, servIces for Mrs. Louise Blackwell Graham, 39, who died at her home in Sinking Creek community, will be conducted at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the Dungannon Methodist church.

Officiating will be the Rev. C. E. Duncan, pastor, assisted by the Rev. R.

W. Watts, a former pastor the church. Burial will follow in the Fincastle cemetery. Surviving are one daughter, Frieda; her mother, Mrs. Cosby Stair Blackwell; and three brothJohn, Kent and Aaron Blackers, well, all of Dungannon.

Her father, J. Walter Blackwell, in 1933. Mrs. Graham, a native of the Floyd district, taught in the public schools of Scott county for 15 years. She was a member of the Methodist church.

1 W. C. Sword (From Times' State News Service) Lebanon, C. Sword of Elk Garden died at his home at 8 p.m., Monday. Funeral services will be conducted Thursday at Elk Garden church at 2 with the Rev.

A. B. Wing in charge. Burial will be in the Boyd cemetery. Surviving Mr.

Sword are two daughters, Martha, of Elk Garden, and Mrs. Rufus Ray of Swords Creek, and five grandchildren, James, Virginia, Garnett, Ray and Gladys Sword. The body will be at the FinneyEasterly Funeral Home until Wednesday morning. Robert B. Stinson (From Times' State News Service) Lebanon, for Robert B.

Stinson, 85, prominent business and farmer of this section who died at 10:30 a.m., Monday, will be held at 2:30 p.m., Wednesday at the home. Dr. J. T. Stinson will officiate.

Burial will be in the family cemetery. Surviving are the following children: Mrs. Alice Honaker of Bristol, Mrs. J. C.

Gilbert of Cleveland, Mrs. A. S. Johnson of Coulwood, Mrs. Ike Munsey of Garden, Miss Mable Stinson of Annapolis, Mrs.

V. C. Reagen of Norfolk, Roy Stinson of Cleveland, Mrs. E. Starnes of Annapolis, Mrs.

C. L. Britts of Carlisle, and Mrs. Earl C. Faver of Norfolk.

Mrs. Georgia Monk (From Times' State News Service) Lebanon, services for Mrs. Georgia Monk, wife of Monk, who died at 11 a.m., Monday, were held at 2 p.m. Stinson today at the home. Dr.

J. T. officiated. Mrs. Monk was the daughter of the late Mr.

and Mrs. Marsh Cochran. Surviving are her husband and five small children. Hubert M. Stewart (From Times' State News Service) Gate City, Va.

Funeral services for Hubert Miles Stewart, 21, son of Miles S. Stewart and former resident this section, will be conducted from the of his father Wednesday at 2 p. m. Burial will follow in Jennings cemetery near Speer's Ferry. The Rev.

J. B. officiate. Cratewart had been employed by a paper manufacturing firm at Monroe, Mich. Early Sunday he was fatall injured near Monroe when the car in which he was ridwas struck by a train at a ing grade crossing.

Besides his father, Stewart is survived by two brothers, Thomas Stewart of Fort Bragg, N. and Walter Stewart of Middlesboro, Also surviving are three sisKy. ters, Mrs. Alice Moore, Closplint, Mrs. Robert Bullock, Monroe, and Miss Opal Stewart, Norton, Va.

Towers KINGSPORT FLORAL SHOP Phone 6 The Kapers Are Koming: 008 New Chevrolet Goes On Display Here Latimer-Looney Chevrolet, yesterday received Chevrolet's new body type sedan, an addition to the '41 model line. R. F. Looney explained that the new "fleet-lined" sedan, featuring a -door, torpedo-type design, had but few minor changes over the earlier 1941 model. The car's main changes are a more luxurious interior and a longer streamlined body.

It was placed on display at Latimer- Negroes Wounded In Shooting Here Two Kingsport negroes, Roy Lee Carson, 25, and Frank Lovejoy, 24, are in Community hospital today with bullet wounds in the chest resulting from what police described as a shooting affair Monday about 11 p.m. Carson's condition was reported as serious by attending physicians. Patrolman John Martin said the shooting of Lovejoy occurred on Walnut street just off the Bristol highway and that five minutes later Carson was shot near the intersection of Maple street and the Bristol highway. A Kingsport negro listed as Lawson Carpenter is being held in the city jail on charges of felonious assault as a result of the shootings. Negro Admits Shootings Martin said Carpenter was arrested following the shooting while in possession of .22 calibre rifle which he admitted having fired at the two victims.

The officer quoted Carpenter as saying he shot Carson and Lovejoy because "they pulled a switch-blade knife on Hospital attaches said Carson suffered a bullet wound in the left chest and is in a serious condition. Lovejoy also suffered a chest wound, but was reported in a less serious condition than Carson. Preliminary hearing for Carpenter has been tentatively set before City Judge Napoleon Bond Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. He is charged with felonious assault. Collectors Help 50 File Returns Three deputy collectors of Internal revenue who will be in Kingsport at the post office building through Thursday, reported that less than had applied for assistance today in filing income tax returns.

The three deputy collectors will remain in office on the second floor of the post office building during the three-day period between the hours of 9 a. and 4:30 p. m. The district internal revenue office -announced that after the present three-day period only one deputy collector will be assigned to Kingsport prior to the March 15 deadline for filing income tax returns. The office urged that all persons needing assistance in filing income tax returns for the year 1940 call at the deputy collector's office Wednesday or Thursday.

It was pointed out that all single persons who earned $800 or more during 1940 are required to file an income tax return. Likewise all married persons who earned $2,000 or more are required to file. Kingsport Group To Discuss Drama Over WKPT Today In celebrating National Drama Week, Feb. 9 to Feb. 16, Kingsport citizens interested in drama will broadcast at 8 p.

m. today from the studios of radio station WKPT. This radio program will be a round table discussion of the inspirational contributions of drama to our national life. Participating in the broadcast are Mrs. H.

H. Imray, Clara Carson, Nancy Wylie, Harry Carruth and V. H. Peterson. Plans for the celebration of National Drama Week in Kingsport include newspaper articles, broadcasts by members of the DobynsBennett Drama Club, and a play.

To Demonstrate New Ladder Truck Members of the Kingsport Fire Department are scheduled to give demonstrations of the new $13,000 aerial ladder truck Wednesday on New street near the post office building, Fire Chief Roy Pyle said today. The demonstrations will include operations of the 65-foot aerial ladder with water tower and the climbing, by of firemen. ladders Chief of pyarious requested that the public witness the demonstration scheduled at 2:30 p. m. Fire Does Small Damage to Home Fire Chief Roy Pyle reported today that fire of unknown origin caused, slight Smith damage located to on the Minton home street, Gibsontown.

The fire department answered an alarm about 10 a. to extinguish flames which were confined to a mattress and bed coverings. Damage as a result of the fire was estimated at $20. Announcing LATEST TUNES Huddle Electric, Inc. Phone 1242 Broad St.

We're Starting Our New Home! If you are planning to build a home this Spring you'll want a quick service home loan! Come to our offices; learn how this local thrift and home financing institution can speed up your home ownership. Your plans are considered promptly, loan applications are cleared quickly FHA Loans On New Construction FHA Loans On Existing Construction FEDERAL SAVINGS FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING PHONE 5108 300 Are Expected At Father, Son Banquet Tonight By Keyhole Helly Two more days of rehearsal and then the curtain will go up. Your keyhole correspondent did not get up to rehearsal last night SO to be perfectly frank, I. don't know any more about this show than I did yesterday. As a matter of fact many of the cast asked Slim to bar the press from further rehearsals as it made them nervous to have a snooper watching them.

Nevertheless, I will take in the last regular rehearsal tonight and the big dress rehearsal Wednesday night, so that you will get the last minute news. Just the same, if the idea of this column is to coax people to buy tickets, it begins to look like a waste of time, because you have already bought 'em, haven't you' At least it is to be hoped that you have waited this long. The little not, crosses are rapidly filling up the boxes on the chart down at Freels. Looks like everybody ers this year. Which such a and his wife intend to see, the Kapsensible thing for everybody to do.

Correction please. Here we have been talking about Harry Adams running the reservation, and it isn't Harry at all. Major Calhoun is presiding which that much better. Why we call Glen Captain, and the Major is his superior officer from whom he takes orders. So now you know who is presiding over the tickets.

Speaking of tickets remember to present yours early the night, of the show. Slim has been using the word 'atmosphere' a lot lately, by which her means he wants you to get the real feel of a circus soon as you hit the place. The old calliope whistle will be tuned up, and things are likely to happen as soon as you are safely in- that is to say as soon as doorman has safely got your ticket Dear me how that word ticket keeps popping up! Very little mention has been made of a part of the cast that will have an important. role- because Slim mum about it. But circus atmosphere has an aroma of peanuts and popcorn and SO on.

The raucous voices of the venders will be heard-and you had better have a little change handy. All of the "salesmen" inabout offering their wares towith their left hands. In their right they will be holding 8 persuader some type. Of course, I will be lots and lots of fun! And Slim wants you to feel at home. Make believe you really are at a circus.

Eat peanuts, and laugh and talk to your neighbor. You can even bring cushions if you likepurely for local atmosphere of Housewife Found Strangled New York police are investigating the death of Mrs. Kittie Pappas, above, 29-year-old. Bronx housewife found strangled to death in her Bronx apartment. Her husband, John Pappas, discovered- the partially-clad body when he returned from business late at night.

course. The only difference between this circus and Barnums and Ringlings is that here you pay only one price and that entitles you to everything- shows, reserved seat, concert, and everything except food and drink. Could anything be fairer. Of course, another difference between B. B.

and the Kapers is that in the hey day of his power, P. T. never succeeded in corraling for public exhibition anything even remotely resembling the Kiwanis Quints of the Ballet. Slim was tempted to put this act in a special room and charge extra, but his generosity got the best of him and they too can be stared at open mouthed for not one nickel extra. See how the fame of the Kapers is spreading.

They are talking about the show down in Knoxville, and Malcolm Miller had some nice things to say about it in his column in the Journal. Thanks for them kind words, Malcolm. (Note, out of town visitors are not charged any more for a ticket than other Somehow or other, that word ticket keeps coming into this column lot today. But why not. It really is important.

You can't this show without 8 ticket- or rather you can see it if you have 8 ticket. And everybody is just naturally talking tickets. Kingsport Youths Tops In U. T. Frat (From Times' State News Service) Knoxville The University of Tennessee Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity not only claims nine Kingsport boys in its large membership, but four of the frat's six officers are from upper East Tennessee city.

Dee Rollen is president, Willie Owens, vice president; Earl King, secretary, and Ritter Slaughter, social chairman. 110 PHONE BROAD 446 DR.C.G ONLY LOW-PRICED CAR WITH THIS Big 'First' The Kingsport District, Boy Scouts of America will hold ita Fifth Annual Father and Son Banquet at 6:30 p.m., today at the Civid Auditorium. An excellent program has been planned for the banquet with Francis J. Wrigney, Art Editor for. Boy's Life Magazine as the prime cipal speaker for the evening.

The results of the balloting for Scout Civic Day will be announced and the winning candidates will make their acoeptance speeches and appointments. It is expected that approximately 300 fathers and their sons will attend this banquet. Dudley Unkefer, Scout executive revealed yesterday that records indicate the greatest year in Scouting's history, both nationally and locally, has just been closed. The Kingsport district closed the year with 274 Scouts and 60 adult Scouters on the rolls. Troops have been placed in all communities surrounding Kingsport, Mr.

Unkefer said, At tonight's banquet, names of Scouts to serve in offices during Civic Day Thursday will be announced. These boys have been elected to their respective posts on the basis of their qualifications for, the type of work involved. Thurkday will close the local observance of anniversary. week. George Peters Contest Winner Judges of the State theatre heart guessing, Peters contest of have, Yadkin announced street, as winner of the $10 cash award.

The judges, Charles Keener, Charles Robinson and L. J. Pepper arrived at the correct number of hearts, arranged in a display window Johnson Company, by the hearts in a 'countined pound of candy and multiplying this figure by the number of pounds in the window. According to their tabulation there are 42,480 hearts. The six guessing the next nearest number will receive two guest tickets to the State to see any attraction within the next ten days.

In this group of winners are: Mrs. Earl Faust, Jimmy Cole, Barney Pendleton, Lora Nelle Grubb, Mrs. Ernest Horton, and George Earles, Jr. All winners have been requested to call at the State box office for prizes. Two Boys Here Enlist In Army Two boys have accepted enlistment in' the beep, S.

Army, Charley R. Price, district recruiter, said today. They are Robert L. Showalter, son of Mr. and Mrs.

John H. Showalter, 126 W. Sevier street, and James P. Bentley, son of Mr. and Mrs.

James P. Bentley, 537 Dale street. Both were forwarded to Fort McPherson, for enlistment for the 59th Coast Artillery, Philippines. Again Plymouth Pioneers the New Safety Rim Corporations E. Mol Rio de Janeiro, Brazil -P- The newspaper Corraio de Manha published an unconfirmed report today that the 12,000 ton Norwegian whaling ship 'Lancing, which put into this port unexpectedly, had been attacked off Curacao by German raider.

Norwegian Whaler Reported Attacked Pull the Trigger on Lazy Bowels, and Comfort Stomach, too When constipation brings on acid indigestion, stomach upset, bloating, dizzy spells, gas, coated tongue, sour taste and bad breath, your stomach is probably "crying the blues" because your bowels don't move. It calls for Laxative-Senna to pull the trigger on those lazy bowels, combined with Syrup Pepsin to save your touchy stomach from further distress. For years, many Doctors have used pepsin compounds as vehicles, or carriers to make other medicines agreeable to your stomach. So be sure your latative contains Syrup Pepsin. Insist, on Dr.

Caldwell's Laxative Senna combined with Syrup Pepsin. See how wonderfully the Laxative Senna wakes up lazy nerves and muscles in your intestines to bring welcome relief from constipation. And the good old Syrup Pepsin makes this laxative so comfortable and easy, on your stomach. Even finicky children love the taste of this pleasant family laxative: Buy Dr. Caldwell's Laxative Senna at your druggist today.

Try one laxative that comforts your stomach, too. 1K 1206 since greatest safety Rim 10 feature It's the new Safety Hydraulic rolling off the First in in Style, Comfort, Performancel wheels. keep flat tires with Plym- WILL PAY YOU to look you how much more driving enjoyment low feature is exam- I ride Plymouth before you price is now able to buy. PLYMOUTH exclusive This outh in the low safety leadership. make a down payment on any 1941 car! SION OF CHRYSLER CORPORATION.

price ple of base is longest of "All 3" low-priced cars. Plymouth's You'll find Plymouth's 117-inch wheel- BIG NEW 1941 Simple but Great! in You'll discover new High- -Torque PerformNEW SAFETY (left) a are flat in get a new RIM hold prevent Front Coil Oil Bath Air CleanThe two Rim OLD TYPE ance with new power-gearing. Youshift less. the new and to "humps" designed tire. to RIM You great features Fashion-Tone that are exclusive $685 with Plymouth in the low-price field.

-Delivered at Detrolt, Including all federal taxes. up" of "chewing Transportation, state and local-taxes, If any, not inToday, let your Plymouth dealer show cluded. Prices subject to change without notice. Lowest-Priced of "All Three" on Many Models PLYMOUTH.

Kingsport Times from Kingsport, Tennessee (2024)


What is the nicest neighborhood in Kingsport Tennessee? ›

Some of the best neighborhoods in or around Kingsport, Tennessee are Lynn Garden, Highland Park and Green Acres. Consider buying or renting a home in one of these popular neighborhoods. Is this area right for me? A local agent can help you zero in on the area that's perfect for you, no commitment required.

Is it expensive to live in Kingsport Tennessee? ›

Kingsport is part of Kingsport-Bristol -VA Metro metro area, which is ranked 169 out of 273 cities across the US in terms of cost of living. According to C2ER (the Council for Community and Economic Research), the cost of living in Kingsport is estimated to be 92% of the national average making it an average US city.

What is the nickname for Kingsport Tennessee? ›

In 1917, Kingsport was re-chartered and became an early example of a “garden city,” as designed by nationally known city planner and landscape architect John Nolen of Cambridge, Massachusetts. We still carry the nickname, the Model City, due to Nolen's distinctive plan.

Is Kingsport a good place to live? ›

Kingsport offers an excellent quality of life. The City has exceptional public schools with very strong academic and art offerings, a rich history and promising future, forward-facing and strong local leadership, quality jobs and most importantly it is diverse, welcoming and friendly community.

What is the crime rate in Kingsport? ›

With a crime rate of 48 per one thousand residents, Kingsport has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 21.

Is Kingsport bigger than Johnson City? ›

Kingsport ranked as the 12th largest municipality in Tennessee, according to the 2020 census. Johnson City is eighth and Bristol is 28th. Sullivan County ranked as the ninth most-populous county in the Volunteer State, with a recorded population of 158,163, as counted on April 1, 2020.

What are Tennessee people called? ›

The residents of Tennessee call themselves Tennesseans.

What is special about Kingsport TN? ›

Situated in the northeast corner of Tennessee and privileged to possess one of the richest historic grounds in America, Kingsport is an exceptional treasure. Chartered in 1917, it became America's first “Model City.”

Why is it called Kingsport? ›

James King, who owned the King's Mill Station at the mouth of Reedy Creek and used the Holston River to ship commodities. The success of his business gave the city its name, because the area was being referred to as King's Port, which eventually evolved into Kingsport.

What is the big factory in Kingsport Tennessee? ›

Eastman Chemical Company's Tennessee Operations is one of the largest chemical manufacturing sites in North America, covering approximately 900 acres. The Kingsport, TN, facility produces a variety of chemicals, fibers, and plastics and also serves as the worldwide headquarters for Eastman Chemical Company.

Does Kingsport smell? ›

The Kingsport water treatment (sewage)plant is right next to the baseball fields. That may be a big part of the smell. I drive by the plant every day. It's the waste water treatment plant, does this every year and gets worse when it gets hotter.

What is the race population in Kingsport Tennessee? ›

White: 90.22% Two or more races: 4.16% Black or African American: 3.33% Asian: 1.29%

How much does it cost to live at the Blake in Kingsport? ›

The Blake at Kingsport is an assisted living facility in Kingsport, Tennessee. This community does not offer a level of care outside of assisted living. Hospice services are available on-site for residents who need them. Costs at this community start at $3,225 and range up to $6,479.

What is the richest neighborhood in Tennessee? ›

1. Brentwood. The richest city in Tennessee is Brentwood. A suburb of Nashville, this city is home to about 45,000 people and is beloved for its picturesque neighborhoods, well-maintained parks, and quick access to local entertainment.

What is the nicest area in Tennessee to live? ›

The best cities in Tennessee include Nashville, Brentwood, Franklin, and Memphis. See what other towns comprise the best places to live in TN.

Is Kingsport Greenbelt safe? ›

It is safe, clean (can be muddy after heavy and prolonged rains) and well used. There are mile markers to gauge your distance and water fountains along the way. Due to the serpentine nature of this trail be on the lookout for bicycles which can come up on you fast.

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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